💡How to Register Consolidations (TAP)?

Consolidations are distinct from delegations and are used to establish an on-chain message to treat two or more addresses as one.

This allows for a unified view of your NFTs in on-site galleries and for any allowlist calculations.

Assuming three sample addresses:

  • Address A (vault address) : 0xAcf42B85eCb77d9332584119FD78a3DE9953c2a0

  • Address B (transaction address) : 0x3558C942EeA9e9Bb9b1a6A02d272756EDD3A1Fe4

  • Address C (minting address) : 0xD0f03CB42Fe821c0654846E474c19484865c5B4a

Below is a process that assumes you already have TAP and have granted Delegation Management (Sub-delegation) rights from your vault to your transaction wallet.

Using Address B:

  1. Set a consolidation with Address A:

    • Launch the Wallet Wizard.

    • Select Consolidate Wallets and click Next.

    • Select Connected wallet as the Delegator.

    • Select a specific Collection or choose Any Collection and click Next.

    • Enter the wallet Address A and click Next.

    • Review Details, click Submit and execute the transaction.

  2. Set a consolidation with Address C:

    • Follow the same steps as above and enter wallet Address C.

  3. Set a consolidation on behalf of Address A with Address B (requires Delegation Management (Sub-delegation) from wallet A to wallet B):

    • Launch the Wallet Wizard.

    • Select Consolidate Wallets and click Next.

    • Select Address A as the Delegator.

    • Select a specific Collection or choose Any Collection and click Next.

    • Enter the wallet Address B and click Next.

    • Review Details, click Submit and execute the transaction.

  4. Set a consolidation on behalf of Address A with Address C (requires Delegation Management (Sub-delegation) from wallet A to wallet B):

    • Follow the same steps as above and enter wallet Address C.

Using Address C:

  1. Set a consolidation with Address A:

    • Launch the Wallet Wizard.

    • Select Consolidate Wallets and click Next.

    • Select a specific Collection or choose Any Collection and click Next.

    • Enter the wallet Address A and click Next.

    • Review Details, click Submit and execute the transaction.

  2. Set a consolidation with Address B:

    • Follow the same steps as above and enter wallet Address B.

  3. [To confirm] Connect to NFTDelegation.com with Address C (minting)

    1. Click on My Activity.

    2. Select Any Collection from the My Collections Tab.

    3. In the Consolidations Area check the consolidation status.


  • More than three addresses can have consolidations.

Last updated