πŸ“„How to Register a Delegation/ Consolidation/Delegation Manager (Advanced)?

This process allows you to create 1..5 delegations, insert an expiry date or delegate a specific token id..

  1. Launch the Delegation Wizard.

  2. Click on the Advanced Users button.

  3. Complete the form:

    • Choose a Type.

    • Choose the collection for which you want to register the delegation (e.g., β€˜Any Collection’ for all collections or a specific collection such as 'The Memes Collection').

    • Enter the delegation address (e.g., a hot wallet address).

    • Select a specific use case for the delegation (e.g., '#1 All').

  4. Continue, or Click the 'Submit' button and execute the transaction.

Using the process below you will be able to add an expiry date or a specific token id during the registration. To do so:

  1. Before submitting please Click on the Change Button.

  2. Set an Expiry Date.

  3. Select a specific Token ID.

  4. Continue, or Click the 'Submit' button and execute the transaction.

As mentioned earlier this process allows you also to register 1..5 delegations under a single transaction. To do so:

  1. After you fill in the details needed to register a delegation, click the Batch button. This will open a new form to fill in.

  2. After you finish with all delegations Click the 'Submit' button and execute the transaction.

Last updated